3633 views LOL
NeillyJQ, Dec 30 2012
just wanted to spend yesterday saying a real "goodbye" and fuck off to every single one of you fucking pencil pushing nerdy fucks.
so yah - if you didn't figure that out yesterday
fuck you fuck you fuck you, and, fuck you.
User was banned for this post.
NeillyJQ, Dec 29 2012

GoodBye LP
NeillyJQ, Dec 20 2012
Props to the ones I like @ LP and the ones that help on hand histories.
Cynical douchebaggery never ends.
I've been playing over a year paying tens of thousands of debts with no respect, I'm the BEST MTTer that comes to the forums, and I stirr the forums up when they are boring.
Yet, its constant shit from 93.33% of you?
you guys can go fuck yourselves, n hope when you MTT, that you're not at my table.
This is my official GoodBye to LP.
This sites sucked for like 3 years, Stroggoz, TalentedTom and like 2 other people are the only ones worth listening to.
Ego-driven retards everywhere else, derailing everything, having no life, jabbin at people with a future.
Guess what?
95% of you at LP have no future at all in poker, where 92% of you think you do.
Its a case of, you guys suck so bad, you want to berate others to make yourselves feel better, but guess what? You guys only feel better for 2 seconds, I feel good for life.
LP gets in the way of my grind anyways.
so ya, my official FUCK YOU, Good Bye.
Thanks for teaching me like 5 years ago
Was fun fucking around with you nits on the forums, but well, no exceptions, if i hate 93% of you, i just hate you all
Cya @ the felt niggas.
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